Friday, 16 January 2009

The town of Winchester

I've never really been one for dramatic sentiment (cork it anyone who's ever spoken to me for more than 5 minutes) but so far the cutest thing I've ever seen on earth (aside from my angelic nephew) is the British town of Winchester. H-oly S-hit. It is like stepping into some old British literature or some really bad (but beautifully shot and totally adorable) Hugh Grant film. Everything is lush and green, little houses all stuck together with moss growing on the roofs, a cute little stream/dam running through it. It's no wonder Bridget Jones had so much to write about in her damn diary.
It's a much welcome change of scenery from the gloomy and rainy London/Heathrow I just experienced and how gray the highway is that I'm traveling on to get to Southampton. I wonder what Southampton will be like? I swear to GOD - if there's some outdoor Shakespeare festival happening when I arrive I will just shit.


  1. I can already tell I am going to be obsessed with your blog.

  2. I, too, will be super obsessed with your blog. I already had to stifle some pretty intense laughter - I can HEAR you speaking the words that I'm reading. XD

  3. Another obsessed person for your blog...I agree with Carolina can HEAR you speaking the words... :)
